About Us
Jokwa Marine renders Commercial diving and Marine support services; the diverse experience of its managers and executive directors spans Commercial diving, Marine operations, HSE, Information Technology, and Business Management, making it a unique company of choice in Saldanha.
Jokwa Marine renders Commercial diving and Marine support services; the diverse experience of its managers and executive directors spans Commercial diving, Marine operations, HSE, Information Technology, and Business Management, making it a unique company of choice in Saldanha.
Jokwa Marine was registered on the 10th of June 2014 and is a Level One BBBEE Company that operates out of Saldanha in the Western Cape. Jokwa Marine is well-positioned to render its services nationally and to the rest of SADC and ECOWAS Countries jointly with its overseas partners.

Our 2022 Strategy
Jokwa Marine puts great importance on our approach to the pursuit of excellence in all our operations around the world. Our ongoing strategy is to focus on delivering excellent ship management services, whilst strengthening our position as a leading provider of marine support services, and commit ourselves to continuous improvement in every area.
Our Core Drivers towards achieving our strategy
Enhancing our operating model: To provide safe, high quality and regulatory compliant services to our customers on a global basis, 24 hours of every day.
Investing in talent: To ensure we have the best people in our industry both onshore and at sea, in order to provide highest quality service to all our customers
Innovating: To use data-driven insights and technology to drive better outcomes for our customers.
Driving organic growth: We aim to grow by offering unparalleled service and great technical capability to maritime asset owners and operators.
Delivering inorganic growth: We acquire other businesses where they can enhance the service we are able to offer our customers.
Maintaining financial discipline: We can run our business to the highest standards, managing risks pruden
Striving for Excellence
Jokwa Marine puts great importance on our approach to the pursuit of excellence in all our operations around the world. Our ongoing strategy is to focus on delivering excellent ship management services, whilst strengthening our position as a leading provider of marine support services, and commit ourselves to continuous improvement in every area.
Safety and Customers first
Jokwa Marine puts great importance on our approach to the pursuit of excellence in all our operations around the world. Our ongoing strategy is to focus on delivering excellent ship management services, whilst strengthening our position as a leading provider of marine support services, and commit ourselves to continuous improvement in every area.
Environmental Policy Statement
We are fully committed to ensuring that our operations do not adversely affect the environment and that we comply with the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard as well as all relevant environmental legislation and statutory requirements.
We will strive to:
Implement systems for the identification of environmental aspects and the impacts these have or could have on the environment and their elimination or control to prevent environmental pollution.
Meet or exceed relevant Environmental legislation and adherence to acceptable industrial practices and other statutory and regulatory requirements.
Regularly assess the impact of all our current and future activities, products and services on the environment with the intention of reducing and preventing pollution.
Reduce our water and electricity usage.
To prevent reduce the spill of any chemicals.
Provide a clean and high-tech environment conducive to giving professional, trusting service.
Educate and train our employees to achieve high standards of awareness, and competence in safety, health and environmental management.
Setting and reviewing objectives and targets to continually improve and prevent pollution.